Thursday, October 10, 2002

Insane over Hussein

The Congress on Thursday authorized war-making powers for President Bush, giving him the extra muscle he needs is his determination to free America and the world from what he says is the growing threat of Saddam Hussein's Iraq.

I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe that my country is thinking of attacking a country without certain knowledge that they intend to harm us directly. Saddam is an evil man for certain, but there are a lot of evil leaders in the world today. Are we going to attack North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Sudan, and Zimbabwe next? China might be in the sights as well. Can we start attacking countries whose leaders are cruel despots? I don't think we can. We are powerful but if we try to take on all the world's bad guys by ourselves we will destroy our economy and abandon the moral highground.

The idea of us being so cocksure of ourselves and in such a rush to unilaterally attack Iraq in order to obtain "regime change" makes me wonder if the saying that "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" can apply to the good old USA? Bush's advisors, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz, seem determined to apply their extreme ideology to US foreign policy at all costs. Bush is in need of some level-headed advice. Hopefully, Powell will stay in there to fight for a pragmatic and principled approach to foreign policy and the Iraq matter.

I considered writing to Senators Nickles and Inhofe to let them know how unwise Bush's strategy (if he has one) is but why waste two stamps? Our two Senators are so party-loyal and right wing that I can't even think of them listening to the voices of moderation. They'd never dream of going against President Bush's position, no matter how flawed it is.

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