Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Partisans Take Over TV

I can't stand to turn on any of the news programs because all they talk about is what the President and Republicans did right and what the Democrats did wrong and who is in control. Party politics are the bane of democracy. There is hope however. More and more Americans are becoming independents and are voting for individuals and their stands on issues rather than for parties. This is generally good news. I qualify my statement with Gary Richardson in mind.

Jesse Ventura turned out better than I anticipated. It was refreshing to hear him say things that other politicians are too dishonest to say. It was great to see him walk out of the memorial service for Senator Wellstone when some of the Democrats turned it into a crass political rally. The Democrats paid for their base behavior when a Republican won the Senate race in Minnesota.

Now the Republican right controls the presidency, the Senate and the House. We will pay for this I'm sure.

Anyone want to guess how much we paid to get Russia, China and France to sign on to the United Nations' resolution on Iraq? I would guess a minimum of $10 billion - most of it to Russia.

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