Wednesday, March 05, 2003

The Little Quonset Hut on the Prairie

As I think of some of our most colorful Legislators I am reminded of one such fellow that for years, like more than a few fellow Legislators, kept a mistress in Oklahoma City for entertainment Monday - Thursday. This particular Senator bought his mistress a Quonset Hut-style building on Lincoln Blvd near the State Capitol and proceeded to "persuade" state agencies to rent office space in her building. For years and years her building was 100% occupied by state agencies. The time came to sell the building. A prospective buyer took a look at the record of many years of 100% occupancy and paid a high price for the old tin building. As soon as the Senator's mistress sold the building all of the agencies moved out. I wonder if the hapless buyer ever figured out what he did wrong?

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